关于red, boiling, freezing, icy, bitter 表示程度


英语中有少数形容词和现在分词,如red, boiling, freezing, icy, bitter等,它们在某些搭配中可以作副词,表示程度,用作状语,其意为“很”“非常”等。如:

——red hot

The stove was red hot. 火炉是炽热的。

The blacksmith is hammering the red hot metal. 铁匠正在锤烧红的铁。

He cauterized the wound with a piece of red hot iron. 他用一块烧红的烙铁烧灼伤口。

——boiling hot

It’s boiling hot. 它是滚烫的。

This soup is boiling hot! 这汤真烫!

I was boiling hot and sweaty. 我浑身滚烫,大汗淋漓。

The water's boiling hot. Pour it from one cup to another repeatedly to cool it. 开水太烫,拿两个杯子折一折就凉了。

——bright red

His face was bright red. 他的脸是鲜红的。

She was wearing bright red lipstick. 她搽着鲜红色的口红。

The plant has a beautiful bright red flower. 这株植物开了一朵美丽鲜红的花。

——freezing cold

The weather is freezing cold. 天气冷极了。

It is freezing cold in most time of the year. 西藏终年的多数时刻都是非常寒冷的。

Why don't you get a hat and scarf for freezing cold weather? 天这么冷,你怎么不买帽子和围巾呢?

——icy cold

The icy cold water foamed over the side of the boat. 冰凉的水在船边泛起泡沫。

It was icy cold enough to turn you blue in the face. 天气冰冷,足以冻得人脸色发紫。

His shoes and clothing were wet through and icy cold. 他的鞋子和衣服全都湿透了,冰凉冰凉的。

——bitter cold

The next day it was still snowing, and the next, bitter cold. 第二天还在下雪,第三天严寒刺骨。

但这样的用法非常有限,并往往只用于某些特定搭配中,如可说 bitter cold(冰冷)bitter wind(寒风)等,但习惯上却不说 bitter hotbitter busy等。

