


I feel really tired. 我觉得实在累了。

Whenever I see you I feel nervous. 我一见到你就紧张。


I feel fine. / I’m feeling fine. 我感觉良好。/我现在感觉良好。

She feels [is feeling] much better today. 今天她感到好多了。


Your hand feels cold. 你的手摸起来很凉。

Nothing feels right in our new house. 我们新房子里,样样都觉得不对劲。

注意该用法虽有被动含义,但不用于被动语态;同时也不用于进行时态,并且其后一般也不接 to be。如:


误:Silk is felt soft and smooth.

误:Silk is feeling soft and smooth.

误:Silk feels to be soft and smooth.

Silk feels soft and smooth.



Marble feels smooth

Marble is smooth to the touch.



She felt the tears roll down her cheeks. 她感到眼泪流了下来。

I felt something crawl up my arm. 我觉得有什么东西顺着我的胳膊向上爬。

其后也通常接现在分词的复合结构,所以上面两句中的 roll, crawl 也可换成rolling, crawling


He felt a great weight taken off his mind. 他感到去掉了一件大心事。

但是,若其中的不定式为to be,则必须保留to。如:

He felt the plan to be unwise. 他认为这计划不明智。


He felt them to be right.

=He felt that they were right. 他认为他们是对的。

They all felt the plan to be unwise.(www.lulutubu.com)

=They all felt that the plan was unwise. 他们都认为这个计划不明智。


He feels it his duty to help others. 他认为帮助别人是他的责任。

I felt it a terrible thing that my mother should have to toil so endlessly. 我感到母亲老得没完没了地干苦活太可怕了。

(3)feel sthfeel for sth意思不同,前者意为摸某物,后者意为摸着找某物。如:

The doctor was feeling her pulse. 医生正在为她号脉。

He was feeling for the keyhole in the dark. 他摸黑找钥匙孔。

注意,feel for sb 意为同情某人。如:

I really felt for him in all these troubles. 我非常同情他这些烦恼。
