


1. 睡着; 睡熟 (not awake; sleeping)

(1) 作表语。例如:

The baby was sound asleep (= sleeping deeply) upstairs.  婴儿在楼上睡得很香。

I waited until they were all fast asleep (= sleeping deeply). 我一直等到他们睡熟。

(2) 作宾语补足语。例如:

The police found him asleep in a garage.警察发现他在车库里睡着了。

(3) 作状语。例如:

Half asleep, he felt the horse's nose push against his face.睡意朦胧中,他觉得马的鼻子挨在他的脸上推动。

2. (指四肢)麻木;发麻,;麻痹 ((of limbs) having no feeling; numb)


When I woke my left arm was asleep. 我醒来时我的左臂麻木了。


1. be / lie / seem asleep。例如:

The baby lay peacefully asleep in its pram. 婴儿躺在婴儿车安静地睡着了。

2. drop / fall asleep。例如:

I fell asleep almost immediately. 我几乎立刻就睡着了。

3. remain / stay asleep。例如:

Only he has remained asleep, while you have awakened; and who knows which of you is the most fortunate? 只是他仍睡着,而您却已醒来了,谁知道你们之中哪一个更幸福呢?

4. deeply / fast / heavily / sound asleep。例如:

The children were all sound asleep in bed. 孩子们都在床上熟睡了。

5. almost / half / nearly asleep。例如:

She dragged herself out of bed, still half asleep. 她挣扎着起了床,犹自睡眼惺松。

6. peacefully / still asleep。例如:

“Has he woken up yet?” “No, he's still asleep.” “他醒了吗?”“没有,他还在睡。”

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